The Metal Centre at Blake Group recently manufactured a set of portable shinty goals which were used for a Tayforth Camanachd league match at the Meadows Festival in Edinburgh. These were supplied at a discounted rate to the East Central Scotland Shinty Association (ECSSA) to help support shinty and local sport in Edinburgh. Going forwards, they will be used for events as required by Tayforth Camanachd, the ECSSA, and other shinty clubs and organisations from further afield as required.
The goals were designed by Blake Group’s Rob Urquhart, also the current Tayforth Camanachd men’s team captain in collaboration with the ECSSA who helped to refine the design specification.
Kloeckner Metals UK a key material supplier to Blake Group, kindly provided discounted material to help support shinty in our local area.
Key features of the goals are:
– Fully compliant with Shinty Byelaw 1 Version 2018
– Can be used on grass and astro-turf pitches
– Aluminium construction to reduce weight and allow easier handling & transport (60kg per goal)
– Easy and quick assembly from flat-pack – similar assembly time to plastic Samba goals
– Only 4 bolts per goal. All other connections are inserts.
Each goal is formed from 9 components:
– 1off crossbar (14.6kg)
– 2off posts (10.6kg each)
– 2off ground members (7kg each)
– 2off diagonal braces (4.1kg each)
– 2off net supports (1kg each)
– Steel stakes provided to fix in position on grass pitches
The longest piece is the crossbar at 3.86m.
The design could easily be adapted to the dimensions and requirements of other sports which require goalposts.
Many thanks to John Fullarton Photography and Central Scotland Shinty for the photos of the goals being used at the Tayforth vs Kilmory South Division 1 fixture.
Contact The Blake Group Metal Centre department on 0131 554 1646 or email for all your custom fabrication needs.