As of 1ST July 2014, CE Marking for manufactured steel components in construction is now mandatory.
It is a criminal offence for manufacturers to supply and contractors to receive structural, secondary and architectural steelwork which is not CE Marked.
As reported in our May newsletter, Blake’s received CE Accreditation in April, however, have been manufacturing in accordance with EN 1090 procedures since last year.
These significant legislative changes apply to every scale of project, from the Fabrication Division’s involvement in the Forth Replacement Crossing to a simple supporting beam or bracket provided by the Metal Centre for a small domestic extension.
At the beginning of July, we installed the first steelwork under the new legislative regime to a site on York Place in Edinburgh. The steelwork will form an extension to The Place Hotel, providing new conferencing and events space as well as a roof top terrace.
More information on the requirements of CE Marking please speak with one of the Fabrications or Metal Centre team to find out how the legislation affects your project or procurement procedures.